enquiries@purephysio.org Mobile.07933 208037
Disorders of the inner ear can cause vertigo, dizziness and loss of balance. Most cases are caused by problems with the balance system (vestibular system) located in your inner ear. The main treatment for almost all of the conditions that cause dizziness is vestibular rehabilitation. If you are suffering from BPPV, then there is specific treatment for this which can clear your symptoms very quickly.
•Labyrinthitis/vestibular neuritis
•Peripheral vestibular disorders
Insured Patients
PurePhysio are able to accept patients registered with the following private health care companies - AXA, BUPA, AVIVA, Vitality, CIGNA, Healix and WPA. We are also registered with HCML, Nuffield and IPRS.
PurePhysio are able to offer daytime and evening appointments at Flexspace Business Centre in Livingston. Please call or email to book an appointment. We are open 4 evenings a week and on Saturdays.
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